Adventure is Always Waiting


Aloha, my name is Chelsea. I am one of the new interns at Keawe Adventures. I’m from Southern California and am currently attending University of Hawaii at Manoa and majoring in Travel Industry Management.

Fresh out of high school, I came to school in Hawaii not knowing anyone. The first couple of weeks were rough. I really missed my family and friends back home. However, when I met a solid group of friends and we started exploring the island, I knew this is where I was supposed to be.

I’ve only been in Hawaii for about a year and a half now, but I’ve already done so much. Whether it’s a day spent at the beach or an afternoon spent hiking, there’s never nothing to do here. When you are in Hawaii, there’s always an adventure waiting for you.

My friends and I have made it a goal to go on an adventure every weekend. That is of course if we get our school work done first 

A typical weekend might start off as early as 5:00am. I know what you’re thinking. What college student willingly wants to wake up at 5am on a weekend?! Well, the way I think about it is you that you have to make the most out of every hour of the day. Especially when you are in Hawaii.

So after rolling out of bed at the crack of dawn, we start our morning of with a sunrise hike. One of my favorite hikes is Koko Head arch. For breakfast we make a trip over to Diamond Head Health Bar for some delicious acas bowls.

Of course at this point you may be a little tired from waking up early and hiking. So the next best thing to do would be to take a quick little power nap at the beach. My car is always packed and ready for a beach day so after we finish our acai bowls we head over to Makua beach (West side of Oahu) to hang up some hammocks and fall asleep listening to the crashing waves.

After our quick power nap we have all the energy we need to start off our beach day. From playing frisbee and football in the sand to catching a wave on a blow-up whale, before you know it, the sun is already about to set.  Everyone stops what they’re doing to sit at the edge of the beach and enjoy beautiful sunset marking the end of another successful day.

Although the sun may have set, the day full of adventure isn’t over just yet. The night has just begun.


As the sky gets darker and darker, our only source of light comes from our blazing bonfire in the middle of our camp. With guitars and ukuleles in hand, everyone gathers around the fire to enjoy each other’s company while eating some delicious s’mores.


As our beach day draws to a close, you may be thinking our day of adventure is finally over. But we’re not done yet.

As we make our way back to campus we make a quick pit stop at Haunama Bay to hike up the ridge. Yes, a night hike. I believe the key to a successful day is to start the day with a hike and end the day with a hike. Some say I am crazy but I like it that way. At the top of the ridge we sit under the bright stars and talk story into the night.

Of course not every weekend looks like this. School and work are a priority, but when you get that break, you can never be bored here. There’s never nothing to do in Hawaii. There’s always an adventure waiting for you.

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