The Road to Statehood and Controversy
On 21 August 1959, Hawaii became the United States 50th state. Coincidentally, the novel Hawaii by James A. Michener was published the same year. With victory in the Pacific, the length of time between the overthrow, the assimilation of the new culture, and the acceptance of the constitution of the United States, more than 93% of the people of Hawaii voted for Hawaii to become a state.
In the excitement of this new era, the past was all forgotten. Or was it? In a resurgence of Hawaiian culture, the Hawaiian people started to remember, and thus steamed a new era of Hawaiian responsibility. Through education and conversation many Hawaiian people are revisiting the injustices of the past and are actively seeking reparations. Unfortunately, the will of the State versus the will of the Hawaiian people are not in-line which results in continuous protest throughout the islands. The latest stance by the Hawaiian people can be seeing throughout social media, news, and in person on Maunakea, in efforts to stop the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). How do you fix the problem for all to live in harmony?